Game valid for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch:
Available on the App Store

Tank Island is the definitive war game.
Handle many type of vehicles in a total war against the enemy army.

Soldiers, tanks, jeeps, fighters, helicopters and anti-aircraft batteries, choose the most suitable unit at each moment to handle it by yourself, or place your army in the most appropriate place to wait for the enemy.

Handle units individually or jointly from above.
Handling from above you can give orders to a large number of units, designing the strategy of the battle.
Handling individually is most appropriate when you have few units and you handle them better than the artificial intelligence of your side.

Various weapons: smart missiles, missiles straight advance and machine-gun fire.

Go through many levels of increasing difficulty where you'll learn to handle each vehicle and the best places on the island where initiate battle.

There are also numerous missions with factories of tanks, planes and helicopters, you must conquer and defend to get numerical superiority.

Complete level editor where you can design your own battles, selecting the number of soldiers, tanks, helicopters, airplanes, factories, and much more.

On the island there is no escape, victory or death!

  • To select units keep pressed left margin with a hand and with other drag, creating a selection rectangle.
  • When selected, send them anywhere with a simple pulsation.
  • To conquer a factory send more tanks or soldiers than your enemy to their surroundings.
  • To select planes and helicopters you should select its shadow.
  • To deselect units, keep pressed left margin with one hand and with the other press a point where there are no units.
  • To handle a single unit, select that unit and press radar. Press radar again to return to air mode.

  • Soldier Handling:
    Left Jostic: Accelerate, brake and lateral movement. Accelerometer rotate soldier. Shoot button fires machine gun.

  • Tank Handling:
    Left Jostic: Accelerate, brake and turn. Accelerometer rotate turret. Shoot button fires missile.

  • Jeep Handling:
    Left Jostic: Accelerate, brake and turn. Accelerometer rotate machine gun. Shoot button fires machine gun.

  • Antiaircraft Handling:
    Accelerometer turns. Launched missiles pursue the enemy.

  • Helicopter Handling:
    Left Jostic: up, down, simple turns. Accelerometer: forward, backward, lateral displacements. Missile no persecutory.

  • Plane Handling:
    Left Jostic: Accelerate, brake, simple turns. Accelerometer: rotate about its axis. Persecutory missiles.

  • Keep moving your tanks to make them a hard target.
  • From the plain tanks aim better than aim moving through mountains.
  • Surround the enemy so that all your units can shoot.
  • Try to divide the enemy in order to they have inactive units, while you shoot with all your units. Divide et impera.
  • Shoot to a group of enemy tanks from the cliff, to attract them, and when they approach, another group of yours tanks must be ready to destroy them.

  • On some levels it is important conquer some enemy factories before they can complete their defenses.
  • If you handle tank or soldier yourself, you shoot fastest, then you can conquer factories with initial units.

  • Left indicator: Plane speed.

  • Indicator in its right:
    When the red arrow is at 12, the plane points nearest enemy.
    When the brown arrow is at 12, the plane points base.
    When the dot is at 12, the plane points nort.

  • Metalic indicator:
    When is almost all brown, you are going to land, and when you see almost all blue, into the sky.
    It also tells us how is the plane tilted sideways.

  • Shoot Button:
    Launch missile or gunfire.

  • Green indicator on the left:
    Remaining life on unit that you are driving.

  • Indicator up in the center:
    On the left, remaining friendly units, on the right, remaining enemy units.

  • Time indicators:
    Time spent on this mission and best time.

  • Radar:
    At twelve o'clock shows enemies in front of you. It also serves to change active unit.

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